

Dear Earth Citizens:

We are quokka who are found on some smaller islands off the coast of Western Australia, particularly Rottnest Island just off Perth and Bald Island near Albany. Isolated, scattered populations also exist in forest and coastal heath between Perth and Albany. A small colony inhabits a protected area of Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve.

In the mid-2010s, we earned a reputation on the internet as "the world's happiest animal" and symbols of positivity due to our smiles. Many photos of smiling quokka have been taken since gone viral, and the "quokka selfie" has become a popular social media trend, with celebrities such as Chris Hemsworth, Shawn Mendes, Margot Robbie, Roger Federer and Kim Donghyuk of iKON.

Tourist numbers to Rottnest Island have subsequently increased.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is quokka?

Hi, We are quokka who are found on some smaller islands off the coast of Western Australia, particularly Rottnest Island just off Perth and Bald Island near Albany. Isolated, scattered populations also exist in forest and coastal heath between Perth and Albany. A small colony inhabits a protected area of Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve.
In the mid-2010s, we earned a reputation on the internet as "the world's happiest animal" and symbols of positivity due to our smiles. Many photos of smiling quokka have been taken since gone viral, and the "quokka selfie" has become a popular social media trend, with celebrities such as Chris Hemsworth, Shawn Mendes, Margot Robbie, Roger Federer and Kim Donghyuk of iKON.Tourist numbers to Rottnest Island have subsequently increased.

how QKA release?

We believe that the the POW model has been the fairest way for initial QKA to be distributed. There is no pre-mining, no taxation, and no one gets something for nothing. You can download the compiled node program at https://github.com/quokkacoin/quokkacoin-Core/releases and obtain QKA through pow mining.

How to mine QKA?

1 Install Ubuntu 18.04
2 sudo apt update
3 sudo apt upgrade
4 sudo apt install cmake
5 sudo apt install git
6 sudo apt-get install build-essential
7 sudo apt install software-properties-common
8 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:longsleep/golang-backports
9 sudo apt-get install golang-go
10 sudo apt update && sudo apt install build-essential cmake pkg-config libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libzmq3-dev libunbound-dev libsodium-dev libunwind8-dev liblzma-dev libreadline6-dev libldns-dev libexpat1-dev doxygen graphviz libpgm-dev qttools5-dev-tools libhidapi-dev libusb-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler
11 Download gqka from https://github.com/quokkacoin/quokkacoin-Core/releases
12 nohup ./gqka --syncmode "full" --cache=1024 --maxpeers 1000 --datadir /home/ubuntu/data_qka &
13 ./gqka attach /home/ubuntu/data_qka/gqka.ipc
14 personal.newAccount()
15 miner.setQKAerbase(QKA.accounts[0])
16 miner.start(1)
the number in the () indicate the mining thread

Will the pow mining distribution end?

Yes, the first stage of pow mining work will end at the 1600000 block height. When pow mining is over, we will take a block snapshot and map it 1:1 to a token on ETH.Please transfer QKC to the address of Quokkacoin 0x577ABe39A612B1e17b53845f9FF1570c4cED4c31 before UTC time 0:00 AM on November 19th ,2022 to get QKA. After the deadline, the unredeemed QKA will be destroyed. We will migrate from Quokkacoin to ETH at the height of 1,600,000(Estimated date:UTC November 9 th, 2022). After the exchange is completed, we will no longer maintain the original Quokkacoin blockchain code and software. QKA token contract download

I got rugged. Do I get an airdrop?

I leave this up to the community to determine. Otherwise, people will just be getting rugged to get some quokkacoin. I expect this currency to be more coveted than not just Ethereum but also Dogecoin. Which I shall from this day forward be referring to as Test Doge.

QKA's gift rules?

1 we will give away 1 US dollar (USDT) and 10 QKAs on twitter, instgram, facebook for who takes a photo with quokkacoin
2 For pictures with other lovely workers, @us on twitter, instgram, facebook, etc. we will give you 0.5 USD (USDT) and 5 QKA
3 Install MetaMask, Truewallet, imtoken, bitpie mobile wallet and get yourself QKA addresses